Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Slice of Life - Sledding

I've never sledded (or is it just "sled" ??)  down a hill before. Hubby and I realized this about a month or so ago. Last night, he gave me an early birthday present - a red sled!! 

We're heading to a hill today after eLearning ends (around 1pm). I'm excited. I'm nervous. I'm a bit frightened! I know I'll be fine, and I'm looking forward to it. 

I'll add a photo of my not-quite-51-year-old self (on a sled!) later today. For now, it sits in the dining room... waiting for me to pull it up its first hill.

UPDATE 1/18...
We FINALLY got to the hill today - ON my birthday!!

I screamed, each ice bump hit my butt, I got snow up my pants when I first put my legs out, I fell off a couple of times, and screamed a bit... The hill was pure ice - Hubby says it'll be better once we get more snow. The hardest part was getting down on the sled! LOVED it. I love that Hubby gave me this experience, and we'll definitely do it again!


  1. Cannot wait for the photos! Wishing you HAPPY SLEDDING!!!!

  2. Cannot wait to see the photos! Enjoy sledding on your new red sled! YAY! And I just bought both your books. They are very much NEEDED! Thank you!

    1. Oh, my! That was a surprise! I'll be here to answer questions (that I did NOT put in the book...). Photo will come tomorrow, hopefully (fingers crossed). The windchill hindered our heading out...

  3. Sledding is super fun. All you do is sit and go. Be sure to plan your stop. That’s the tricky part sometimes.

  4. Oh, so long ago, I would go sledding down hills…

  5. Oh, the magic of a winter wonderland with sledding and snow! I'm cheering for your fun and a little jealous, wishing I were there too to have a blast on those hills. Have fun, and I look forward to seeing your picture later.

  6. Thank you, Sally - I still have them, because we didn't get out in the nasty windchill yesterday! (Eeek!)

  7. Happy sledding and Happy Birthday


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