Friday, January 12, 2024

Thankful Thursday (Friday) Jan 12, '24

Who cares that I'm one day late? I'm writing for myself these day... no need to share it with educators via Twitter. I'm writing to document these days, and I like the shift. ;)

Today I'm thankful for the oh-so-thoughtful letter from a student I had nine years ago. When I shared it with Hubby, he had tears in his eyes, too. (And... yikes! She said she reads my blog!!) 

I'm thankful that I was ready for the eLearning day today - and I'm thankful it became an emergency day due to the power outages - and I'm thankful the power outages didn't last long!! I'm thankful I'm strong enough to shovel this heavy slop we've gotten (so far), and that the snow blower works for my love to use. I'm thankful I have this energy enough to help neighbors, too. I'm thankful my attitude is not that of our neighbor (crabby!!) when the plow comes into our cul de sac and puts snow right back in front of the drive. I'm thankful we could get out should there be an emergency, and oh-so-thankful we haven't had an emergency. I'm thankful Hubby helped me with the snowperson, and I'm thankful I've thought of calling it a snowperson. (It has a uni-boob, so I'm not really sure what it is, and it doesn't matter!) 

I'm thankful I can put a stop to talking politics with my mom, and I'm thankful we can both still vote. There's a lot more to be thankful for today... I'm now going to print out that email and put it in this school year's stack of things I'd like to add to my scrapbook come June. 💚

In every moment, there are a million reasons to be thankful.

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