I, Joy Kirr, am a middle school teacher, author, and speaker. My 7th grade ELA (English Language Arts) classes are working to improve their lives through student-directed learning - without marks throughout the year. This is a log of my learning experiences... Want to have me speak with your staff or facilitate a workshop? Here is my PORTFOLIO.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

2023-2024 Digital Scrapbook

Year 29 is finished. I'm still learning.

So... my PD has really gone down... I only presented at the IDEACon in February, and it was because I have a new passion for helping myself (and others) with the stresses that come with teaching these days. I'm also reading - and writing in notebooks - a TON more. That's been very healthy for my mind.


- My principal came into our room to talk to certain students, and the next day, she shared that she had ideas for me. I took her up on her offer to share / help, and it did.

- I heard that "I have to be more like a man, and act like I don't care if students like my rules or not."

- I said "yes" to co-hosting an equity club after school - we named it "Changemakers."


- I saw some students at their girls' basketball games after school, and one student at his hockey game. I saw more students at a wrestling meet (not sure if it was in October).

- I said "yes" to hosting Origami Club.


- I saw some students at their boys' basketball games after school, and another student at his hockey game.

- The Middle School SBG committee decided we can't implement SBG/Reporting next year. Our teachers aren't ready yet. I'm still glad I'm on this committee - been on since its inception pre-pandemic!

- My district brought in Dr. Sheldon Eakins once more - for ELA teachers.


- I kinda/sorta got kicked out of Twitter. It was good for me!!


- I was able to attend a wrestling match and a girls' volleyball game after school.

- I hosted a book study for Fewer Things, Better for my district. 


- I attended EdCampMadison - and hosted a gratitude session! Also, it was great to see other teachers still so passionate about GeniusHour - I was able to share my bookmarks for the LiveBinder. ;)

- I presented "Shifting Away from Stress" at IDEACon! (I then shared the link with my peers at work...)


- I saw two students at their baseball game, and I was able to attend a boys' volleyball game, as well.

- I participated in a book study for Me and White Supremacy for my district. We have committed to keep studying/working. As one of our book study leaders shared, "If we're not doing more work, that means we're okay with how things are currently."


- In our last meeting for Standards Based Grading at the middle schools... we were told there would be no more Standards Based Grading committee. :(

- I saw lots of students at a track & field meet.

- I was able to attend graduation again.

- I believe this is the first year of my 29-year career that our last day of school was in MAY! May 31 was our last day this school year.

I'm still learning a TON. I've got lots of ideas for next year (again), and I'm looking forward to one of my longest summers ever to regroup and get refreshed!

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