Friday, April 3, 2020
We could all use a little encouragement... I found this rock on my walk around the local high school today (a walk I've done before, so I think it's new...?):
I also got some encouragement from my team regarding some students who haven't done any work for my class but have for others.
I also got some encouragement from answers students gave to our article of the week choices we provided. They see the good, notice they have hope, and I'm glad the articles brought this out in them today.
I was encouraged by all the people out today, waving and saying hello as I passed.
I have to learn better how to PROVIDE encouragement to those who truly need it. It's my go-to to try to fix things, and I know I can't. That is discouraging.
The sunshine today provided more encouragement, however. One day at a time...
Springtime is a great place to experience hope and encouragement. I'm glad it's April, and snow will go. Hope will stay. Take care!