I, Joy Kirr, am a middle school teacher, author, and speaker. My 7th grade ELA (English Language Arts) classes are working to improve their lives through student-directed learning - without marks throughout the year. This is a log of my learning experiences... Want to have me speak with your staff or facilitate a workshop? Here is my PORTFOLIO.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Everyday Gratitude

I started this post in June of 2020 when we weren't doing much of "normal" life.
I saw it in my drafts today, so I added a bit more - without deleting anything.

Before you read mine, please check out Denise Krebs's "Letter about Everyday Beauty," and find out from where she got the idea and what you can do once you write your own. I'll be writing about what I'm thankful for, as I felt the gratitude in Denise's post...

I woke up alive. That's always a good start. Systems check - solid. No aches or pains yet. No sniffling nose or scratchy throat. Looking over, I saw my love looking back at me. "Good morning."
Electricity is still on - thank goodness for the air conditioner. And if the air stops working, Hubby knows how to fix it or where to get a part. His coffee machine turns on and smells good. Laptop is charged, and I don't see any new messages on my phone. Glad there's nothing pressing in my emails.

Breakfast toast is lovely. Dan Active keeps me healthy. Hard boiled egg? Sure! Fill up the water bottle and I'm off for my walk.

Birdsong surrounds me. Leaves blow in the breeze. Others are headed to work, while I escape to the nearby forest preserve. I'm still working on doing one thing at a time, so I'm walking without my audio book. Enhanced birdsong reaches my ears and makes me look around - keeping my head up, I take in a deep breath. Grateful I'm healthy enough to withstand the heat of the day and the miles under my feet. The cicadas now make intermittent (instead of constant) sounds. Are there a few more ripe wild raspberries for me to pick? Enough to make me smile and know I've sure taken advantage of them this summer. I make sure to stop - look around - and take in a deep breath each time I feel my thoughts get swept up in negativity. On my way back home, I may take a photo of a newspaper headline or the creek or something different I see (a slug, dragonfly, flower, kayakers, etc.), so I can show Hubby part of my morning. I may even send a photo to a friend - in order to share some of the beauty.

My resistance bands wait for me when I get back. Trying to keep myself healthy for Hubby and I to enjoy our future, I figure out what day I'm on, and I get started. Now I can learn from the nonfiction audio book in my ear. Drinking water is plentiful and makes the humidity not feel so stifling.

We've got hot water that comes through a showerhead at the swivel of a handle. Amazing. Simply amazing. Since it's muggy this morning, I enjoy a quick shower of lukewarm water instead. We purchased the huge towels last time, so I'm enveloped and then dry in no time. I can wear whatever I'd like, as I won't be going anywhere. So many comfy clothes from which to choose. Short hair is such a treat I give myself, and I'm ready to enjoy the rest of the day. 

Duolingo and Babbel are waiting for me to challenge myself and learn a bit more today. 

Hmmm... what book shall I start with now? Sitting in my favorite chair with my book, I can see when the hummingbird visits and watch the sparrows find bugs in the grass.

Mom's accessible by phone - gotta love the Google Meet app (since she doesn't have an iPhone). Good to see her and Dad still healthy. 

Friends are just a text away.

Snacking on veggies and beef jerky and nuts... knowing the chocolate will be there when I need it. It's always good to get through a meal or snack by chewing a lot so I don't choke. Breathing easily is always a plus.

Being able to take a nap while the television on in the background is a skill (or a blessing?).

Setting time limits on apps - and following them - is something I get to keep working on. Especially TikTok & Instagram - oh, I'm fortunate to find  so many funny people and animals - and then be able to turn them off! The flowers outside depend on me for some water, and my brain is asking for more quiet.

The library is one of my favorite spots (if I can't be outside).

And this... is just the morning.


  1. Joy, what a gift to come and see this past that you started in 2020. It makes sense that you were monitoring your health thinking about scratchy throats and nose sniffles. I loved reading what you were doing back then, and more added after these four years. I also appreciated, "I'm still working on doing one thing at a time" Such a good plan. I'm working on that too. I also enjoyed reading my old post, so many good memories of gratitude.


Thank you for adding to the conversation!